Labour Administration System
The following services can be availed through Labour Administration System (LAS)
- 1. Register enterprise
- 2. Update enterprise's details and employees
- 3. Submit Internal Service Rule (ISR)
- 4. Report Workplace accident and diseases
- 5. File workplace related grievances
- 6. File workers compensation
- 7. Appeal on Notices
- 8. Conduct self inspection (bi-annually) and avoid penalties
- 9. Pay penalty
- 10. Get approval for recruitment of employee under age of 18
- 11. Submit OHS policy statement
- 12. Endorse your OHS committee

Department of Labour was assigned with the responsibility of labour administration in the country. Labour administration is guided by the labour administration policy and the Labour and Employment Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan, 2007 and its Regulations. Guided by the labour administration policy and the Act & its regulations, the Department of Labour has developed Labour Administration System (LAS) to implement the Act and its regulations.
This web application was developed by the Department of Labour with the financial support from Asian Development.
Ministry of Industry, Commerce & Employment
P.O Box #1036, Thongsel Lam
Lower Motithang, Thimphu, Bhutan.
© Copyright 2023. All right reserved, Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Employment.
Develop and Support by Sonax IT Consultancy,Thimphu, Bhutan.